The TCC, a joint project of e-WADACHI.com and Japan Reference, comprises Japanese and foreign bicycle aficionados who enjoy a good ride around Kanto area as well as an occasional drink, and aims at promoting friendship and cultural exchange between cyclists from Japan and elsewhere.
All dedicated cyclists are welcome, but please be aware that "mama-charries" (basket-equipped shopping bikes and the likes) won't do.
=> http://www.tokyocycle.com
Come on and Join us!
[Japanese 日本語]
e-WADACHI.com「轍」とJapan Referenceのジョイント・プロジェクト、”東京サイクリングクラブ”始めました。日本人・外国人サイクリストの親睦・文化交流を目的として、関東エリア中心のツーリングをメインの活動としていきます。
=> http://www.tokyocycle.com/